TGU (1.5 pood/1 pood)
Assault Bike (cal)
TGU (1.5 pood/1 pood)
Assault Bike (cal)
For time:
30 Muscle ups
30 KB swings (2 pood/1.5 pood)
Warm up: 3 rounds
1 min plank
45 sec. mountain climbers
30 sec hanging L sit hold
Dumbbell Farmers carry (AHAP) 50 ft
21 Dips
21 Overhead squats (95/65)
Dumbbell Farmers carry (AHAP) 50 ft
15 Dips
15 Overhead squats (95/65)
Dumbbell Farmers carry (AHAP) 50 ft
9 Dips
9 Overhead squats (95/65)
Warm up: (2 rounds)
25 Air squat
20 Dumbbell plank row (10R/10L)
15 supermans
EMOM 10 min
2 Squat clean @ 110% of BW
For time:
6 Squat cleans (135/95)
9 rope climb ascent @15ft
12 DL (315/255)
Warm up:
50 "butt kickers"
50 jumping jacks
25 SOTS press with PVC pipe
AMRAP 3 min with 1 min rest x5
9 SDLHP (95/65)
6 push jerks (95/65)
3 box jump overs (24/20)
Warm up:
40 V Up sit ups
40 plank roll outs
40 Overhead pvc pipe squats
400m Run
8 Shoulder to overhead (60/40)
16 T2B
32 Box Step up (16R/16L) 50#/35#
CrossFit Open Workout 16.1
20 min AMRAP
25 ft overhead lunge (95/65)
8 burpees
25ft overhead lunge (95/65)
8 C2B pull ups
Warm up:
8 min AMRAP
10 Air squat
100 ft bear crawl
For time:
2 Cluster @75% of 1RM
10 HR push up
5 MU
2 Cluster @80% of 1RM
10 HR push up
5 MU
2 Cluster @85% of 1RM
10 HR push up
5 MU
2 Cluster @90% of 1RM
10 HR push up
5 MU
2 Cluster @95% of 1RM
10 HR push up
5 MU
Warm up:
Row 200m
Run 200m
30 Ring rows
Strength: 3x8 weighted pull up (AHAP)
AMRAP 16 min
12 C2B pull ups
21 Overhead "slam balls" (50/30)
Row 400m
Warm up: (3 rounds)
25 ft walking lunges
10 OH squat with barbell
Strength: 2 min weighted plank
WOD: "Baby Midline March"
3RFT of:
25 GHD situps
25 ft handstand walk
50 ft overhead walking lunge (135/95)
Warm up: Tabata (alternating between these 3 movements) 16 rounds
1) Air squat
2) Push up
3) Jumping jacks
Strength: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Bench press @ 1RM
WOD: EMOM for 16 min
ODD: Ski erg 250m
EVEN: 15 burpees
Warm up:
100 "butt kickers"
50 Dumbbell pullovers
25 DU
Strength: AMRAP 6 min
Strict bar MU
For time:
Bike 3 miles
10 rope climb ascents @15ft
50 pistols
Bike 3 miles.
Warm up: 3 rounds
200m Run
10 MB squat clean
15 reverse push ups
15 Pendlay row (135#/95#)
400m Run
20 wall ball (20/14)
Warm up:
8 KB arm bar on each side
8 single leg KB DL
AMRAP 8 min
WOD: "Randy"
75 reps for time of power snatch @ 75lbs
Warm up:
50 cal on Assault bike
Strength: Split jerk 5 x 3 (work up to a 3RM)
Sled pull 200ft @BW
1 min rest
sled pull 200ft @150%BW
1 min rest
sled pull 200ft@200%BW
Warm up:
Bar hang shoulder activation x 25
Plank 2 min
WOD: 6 rounds
DB Farmers Carry (100/65) max distance
25 pushups
Post distance total as score.
Warm up: 2 rounds
35 supermans
25 ab mat situps
15 sec L sit hold
On a 8 min running clock, perform 1 min each of the following:
box jumps (30/24)
wall ball shots (20/14)
SDLHP (95/65)
Power clean (95/65)
GHD sit ups
GHD back extensions
double unders
Warm up: (3 rounds)
10 tuck jumps
100m row
Skill: pistols
"Barbara "
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
5 ROUNDS for Time, 3 min rest between rounds
Warm up: Tabata (max rep each of these movements) 4 rounds each
Mountain climbers
Air squat
DB shoulder press @50% of 1RM
Skill: Butterfly pull up technique
Prowler push @150% of BW 100FT
15 Overhead "slam ball" (50#/30#)
Warm up:
200 jumping jacks
50 push ups
150 strict ring dips
Every break you take, perform 1 legless rope climb