25 cal ski
20 Box jump over (24/20)
15 HR push ups
25 cal ski
20 Box jump over (24/20)
15 HR push ups
For time:
100 pistols
AMRAP 12 min:
20 ring rows
10 chin ups
5 bench press @ 1.25 of BW
For time:
5k row
10 rounds:
100 ft sled push @ 2x BW
10 strict dumbbell overhead press (50/35)
For time:
15 legless rope climbs (15 ft)
AMRAP 10 min
2 stone to shoulder (1L/1R AHAP)
12 burpees
6 toes to bar
100 ft Yoke walk @ 2x BW
30 DU
GHD back extension
GHD hip extension
3 attempts at Max duration free handstand hold
(with a 20lb weighted vest)
Run 200m
20 air squats
For time:
30 L sit chin ups
10 DL (355/285)
3RM Bench press
10 Box jumps (24/20)
20 Ab mat sit ups
AMRAP 10 min
2 rope climbs (16 ft)
8 DB power cleans (50/35)
5 attempts for max distance handstand walk
AMRAP 5 min:
Sumo deadlift 225/155
400m Ski
15 TTB
12 GHD sit ups
20 min to find 1RM squat jerk
For time:
Backward run 200m
Run 800m
Backward run 100m
Run 1600m