For time:
1000m row
100 air squats
For time:
1000m row
100 air squats
AMRAP 12 min
60 jumping lunges
20 V up sit ups
sled push 100ft x 10 @2x BW
8 RFT:
2 legless rope climbs (18ft/15ft)
12 strict ring dips
Overhead squat
For time:
30 TTB
30 Wall balls (20/14)
30 Pendlay row (135/95)
30 cal assault bike
AMRAP 2 min:
Bench press @ BW
5 DL (315/225)
400m run
For time:
150 cal ski
EMOM: 4 strict pull ups
100m row
1 power snatch (155/105)
1 burpee touch 9 foot target
200m row
2 power snatch
2 burpee touch 9 foot target
300m row
3 power snatch
3 burpee touch 9 foot target
etc until 10
AMRAP 16 min:
8 box jumps (30/24)
8 hanging "around the worlds" (4/4)
2 min max strict HSPU
3 min to establish the heaviest Push press single
4 min to establish heaviest squat jerk
For time:
2 min hollow hold
75 TTB
60 hollow rocks
45 strict ring dips
For time:
100 ft Dball front rack walking lunges (100#/80#)
25 burpees
100 ft Dball front rack walking lunge
15 burpees
100 ft DBall front rack walking lunge
5 burpees
5 RFT:
500m row
20 GHD sit ups
For time:
1 DL (405/315)
10 rope climbs @18 ft
5 DL (405/315)
1 rope climbs
Push ups
Rest 2 min
Air squat
Rest 2 min
Kipping Pull ups
Max Assault bike cal in 30 sec x 6 (Rest 1 min in between sets)
For time:
1 mile run
50 DU
5 squat cleans (AHAP!)
50 DU
1 mile run
BTN Strict Shoulder press: